The Role of Sustainability in Managed Repairs: Building a Greener Future

The Role of Sustainability in Managed Repairs: Building a Greener Future

Meet Ed

Instructor Ed Jones has over 30 years of experience in theindustry, has the title of MasterWater Restorer, is an Institute ofInspection Cleaning andRestoration Certification (IICRC)-approved instructor, and hasserved on the S500-2021consensus body committee todevelop the most recent standard.

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In this blog post, Accuserve explores how the managed repair sector can be crucial in promoting environmental sustainability. As climate change and environmental preservation become increasingly urgent, businesses across all industries have begun looking for ways to reduce their ecological footprint.  

The managed repair industry is uniquely positioned to contribute significantly to these efforts through various sustainable practices and technologies, such as using eco-friendly materials, recycling materials, and implementing sustainable practices in business operations and repair processes. Let's consider four main ways sustainability in managed repairs can help create a greener future.

Emphasizing Eco-Friendly Materials in Repairs

When selecting sustainable, eco-friendly materials for repairs and construction lessens environmental impacts. Choosing locally sourced materials reduces transportation costs and the impact of material transportation on the environment. Suggest to clients that they use low embodied energy building materials, such as reclaimed wood, bamboo, bio-based composites, and recycled concrete. Using high-durability materials can reduce maintenance needs, while using renewable materials significantly lowers environmental impact, leading to healthier living environments.

Recycling and Re-purposing in the Repair Process

Waste reduction through recycling and re-purposing materials reduces environmental impacts while creating a circular economy within the managed repair industry. Prefabrication methods and off-site modular construction techniques decrease the amount of waste generated. Each business can minimize its carbon footprint through waste reduction, resource conservation, and recycling materials.

Sustainable Practices Throughout the Repair Process

Using repair techniques that minimize environmental impact, such as employing less invasive methods, such as inflatable water liners and agressive drying techniques , reduces the need for complete replacements. Implementing methods that extend the lifespan of existing materials, such as adding a waterproofing sealant to a built-up roof (BUP), can negate the need for roof replacement. According to Forbes, retrofitting buildings to create a greener environment costs less than building new construction and offers a more ecological choice.

Sustainable Business Operations

Managed repair companies can build sustainability into business operations through various methods, some obvious and others hidden. The top three sustainable methods also save a company money:

  • Water conservation efforts  
  • Transitioning to more energy-efficient machinery and computer systems
  • Reducing paper use through transitioning to electronic forms and digital document signing.

Sustainability Benefits for Businesses and Homeowners

Using eco-friendly materials helps the environment and property owners by providing energy-related cost savings, improving indoor air quality, and potentially creating higher property values. Property owners also benefit from the reduced maintenance costs of more durable, environmentally friendly materials. Highly durable materials like bamboo require less maintenance while providing reliable performance.

Let Accuserve help you improve your sustainability while better serving property owners and insurance carriers. Partner with us today.

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